Internal Research Grants

Curtin Malaysia Collaborative Research Scheme

The aim of the Curtin Malaysia Collaborative Research (CSCR) scheme is to:

  • promote inter-disciplinary/collaborative research in the university.
  • build skills in the preparation of competitive external grant applications.

The CSCRS is for project proposals of 2 years in duration. The maximum grant awardable is normally RM50,000.


Principal investigator

  • Must be a member of the academic staff of Curtin University, Malaysia.
  • Have sufficient tenure at Curtin to allow completion of their projects.
  • Principal Investigators of current CMCR or CMRI funded projects may apply if their currents projects can be shown to be at least 75% completed.
  • An individual can submit only one application as Principal Investigator.



  • Applications must include at least one other co-researcher from Curtin Malaysia.
  • The inclusion of co-researchers from external institutions will strengthen an application.



Applicants may be asked to iterate their applications in a process of learning/improvement prior to the peer review.


Nomination of reviewers

Applicants are required to nominate two competent reviewers. Competency of the reviewers must be demonstrated by a listing of their major achievements in the field of the research of the research proposal.


Assessment of applications for awards

The R&D Committee will consider all applications and reviewers’ reports in making a decision on the awards.


Application form

The application form will be available when the scheme opens every year.